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The online festival about economy, without the economists (on stage)

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Baltan Academy 2: Make Economy Yours Again

Announcing the second edition of Make Economy Yours Again (MEYA). An online learning community that will gather weekly for 8 weeks with the purpose to create a new knowledge base for rehearsing economic change. The learning community will be shaped according to participants’ backgrounds, interests and their existing initiatives. Participants will collectively learn and locally develop actions for their specific context.

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MEYA #2 - online preview

How can we rehearse change and not just think of it?

Are you considering joining Make Economy Yours Again (MEYA)? Join our preview event and learn more about the approach behind the learning community and get a feeling of what a MEYA gathering looks like.

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Anyone who occasionally watches Sci-Fi knows that the living conditions on Mars are a far cry from the current conditions on Earth. The hardships that humanity would have to face to survive on other planets would be huge.

The question we should ask ourselves is not whether we can survive on a Mars-like planet, but instead how to prevent Earth turning into such an inhospitable place? How can we change our economic paradigm of endless growth, in an era in which human activity impacts Earth’s environment so profoundly?

The biosphere of the Earth is as big as it gets. There is no room to expand; thus, economic growth ultimately comes at the expense of the living space of others. If you look at the Earth from space, it turns out to be a zero-sum game; as humanity continues to grow, we take up more space, leaving less for other species.

Even if we all go organic, become vegan and use only renewable energy, our continuously increasing prosperity and ever-growing population means we will slowly but surely make life impossible for ourselves and other species.

In any other natural process, growth stops as soon as it encounters a limitation. Since the dawn of humanity, our technological abilities have enabled us to overcome these limitations. We will have to intervene in our own growth, if we don’t want to end up on a Mars-like planet.


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