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An interview with Dutch artist and writer TINKEBELL. In this radioshow she talks about her artistic projects and political engaged activities. TINKEBELL. as one of the contributors to Economia 2020, provokes by revealing the blindspots of modern society. In this  radioshow, she talks about her urge to visit places others rather don’t go, such as Fukushima after the nuclear disaster. She argues that more people died from stress than from radiation. What does this insight mean for the current pandemic? The project she developed with Arno Wellens called “De Kamerplanten tour” reveals the Dutch law about tax deviation for International companies. TINKEBELL. organized excursions to the Zuidas in Amsterdam, which houses many of these companies. The only attraction of this tax haven: one houseplant per office. TINKEBELL. was personally involved in the Defense for Children. Her project for Economia 2020 DECLARATION.(the universal one)revolves around the current state of words, intentions, promises and value(s). The interview is held in Dutch.

Listen back on Mixcloud here.

TINKEBELL. confronts a public that revels in being indignant about everything that has nothing to do with them, but at the same time is very apologetic about their own actions. She questions why millions of male chicks are brutally killed every day, but she gets arrested for threatening to do the same in public. Why are people who openly discuss the lowering of the sexual age of consent treated as vile pedophiles, but are ‘barely 18’ websites intensely popular? She became famous by turning her own cat into a handbag. With this project she showed people their own hypocrisy about the use of animals for consumption and leather production. If anything, her works form an extreme incentive for the discussion of our morals and the way society is developing. In her own words: ‘I’m researching frictions in our norms: How we behave, how we live, how we connect with each other, our position towards animals, the environment, the future of our food, (social)media, refugee issues, politics, multiculturalism and more. Yes, at the end, I believe I can save the world, so that’s what I’m currently doing.”

Picture by Bente Maria Hilkens

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